logged 08/29/2024 @00:36
logged 08/29/2024 @00:36
logged 08/29/2024 @00:36
Retaliation after posting
logged 08/19/2024 @12:17
Went to bed around 8:30am the night before; perverts have minion slam their door around 11:30am to wake me up and in retaliation for yesterday's posts.
logged 08/17/2024 @21:33
Perverts have minion slam their door to wake me up.
Also, perverts know from stalking me that I don't check my email, calls, or messages on the weekends, and therefor am not susceptible to their spamming, color conditioning, etc. attacks, so this is the only way they can ensure that I am harassed on the weekends.
logged 08/17/2024 @22:24
Perverts try to manipulate me into keeping my notification on by spamming me with messages of fake job offers. I usually keep my notifications off to prevent getting any of the perverts' spam attacks, but have had to keep them on these past couple of weeks so I don't miss any messages from an organization who is offering to help with my rent payments while I am temporarily disabled. Now that I have met with this organization, I have gone back to silencing all notifications. The perverts do not like that, because it eliminates their ability to harass me at anytime.
Here's a thought: maYbE iF yOu hADn'T sAbOTaGeD mY prEviOUs jOb oFfERs, I wOuLd hAVe hAd a rEAsOn tO cHeCk mY cALls and meSSaGeS aNd keEp mY noTiFiCaTiOnS oN! #AnotherIngeniousDisplayOfIdiocy 🤷
update 09/06/2024 @08:29
After weeks of fake text messages, perverts all of a sudden stop after being exposed by using their #Opposite trick.
logged 08/17/2024 @22:00
Perverts have minion post a late fee on my resident ledger as a form of retaliation/"punishment" after I cursed her (in a private conversation in which this minion was not present for or a part of) for not accepting a partial payment for my rent and for trying to evict me while I am temporarily disabled. (Pretty sure there are laws against that, btw, having done that job myself.)
Interesting how this minion can simultaneously charge me for not paying rent while refusing to accept any rent payments from me.
I have not been able to make rent payments these past couple of months after being forced to leave my last onsite job due to a physical injury and the persistence of the perverts' color condition/harassment at that work place. I also have not been able to generate income since then, due to the perverts' continual sabotage of every full-remote job offer I received. The perverts do not want me to work from home since that would not allow them the ability harass me at my workplace through mimicry, color conditioning, etc.
Also note how how the perverts engineered this situation so that my eviction notice coincides with this months's full moon.
#ColorConditioning #FullMoon
logged 08/18/2024 @03:59
#Cats #Muppets #ManipulatingAlgorithms
logged 08/18/2024 @03:48
Perverts prepare more attacks/harassment (to inflict on me) for this month's full moon by having minion schedule window cleaning that day. This window cleaning is meant to serve as a pretense for having people on the roof create noises/disturbances. (I live on the top-floor of my building, directly below the roof.)
This coincides with the other attack/harassment the perverts have engineered to take place on the full moon, which is my eviction notice.
#FullMoon #NoiseCampaigns
logged 08/17/2024 @21:44
Perverts spam me with messages for fake job offers. Perverts know from stalking me that I will be evicted from my home unless I pay a balance of $2,000.00 by 08/19/2024. Perverts also know that I met with an organization the day before, on 08/14/2024, who have offered to pay $500 of the balance, leaving about $1,500 outstanding.
Perverts get enjoyment from the situation - IE: someone's eviction and misfortune (that they forced them into), by spamming them with a fake job offer would that coincidentally gives them the exact amount of money they need to prevent eviction.
logged 08/15/2024 @01:54
After posting
#Red #ColorConditioning
logged 08/15/2024 @02:07
logged 08/14/2024 @19:09
It appears that the perverts are giving K💩mala the same kind of media treatment that they gave #taylorsnake, which led to the snake's artificial and manufactured "mega celebrity" status.
I don't care for K💩mala one way or the other. And while I believe that having Tr💩mp back in the WH is regressive and dangerous, electing a candidate that is endorsed by the perverts (the same group of idiots who subvert and undermine your rights and our economy) is far more self-destructive.
Consider why a group of perverts would push so hard to have a specific candidate in that position of power if they didn't have anything to gain from it. What could this mean for your rights and privacy if the perverts elect a candidate who they are able to manipulate and control, and pass legislature that legalizes their perversions.
logged 08/14/2024 @18:11
On 08/13/2024, in a word document I'm preparing, I write that perverts have me fired from one of my WFH job for no notice or reason.
The next morning, I receive an email from the company providing explanation for the layoff, even though my removal happened almost a month ago.
Insulting how the perverts think people are as stupid as they are, that they will just continue to fall for their (the perverts') deceit just because they send an email contradicting what I said, as part of a flimsy half-💩ssed attempt at a cover-up. I guess that means they're not actually perverts who stalk and violate my privacy either! But if that's the case, how did orchestrate this response to a statement I made (on an unpublished document, from a private computer), if they weren't stalking me in the first place?
It's like: Hooray! The perverts sent an email contradicting something I said! Suddenly everything I said is untrue and all those layoffs never happened! Oh wait, yes they did and you and 100,000 more people are still unemployed. 🤷
logged 08/14/2024 @18:11
On 08/12/2024, in a word document I'm preparing, I write that the perverts are behind the Tech Layoffs.
logged 08/13/2024 @02:46
Here's an example of subtle manipulation tricking you into thinking taylorsnake is a legitimate celebrity, and not manufactured, by likening it to Beyoncé, putting them side-by-side as though it measures up to Beyoncé.
Also disconcerting to see what is supposed to be an esteemed publication speaking about a plagiarist with such regard.
I would expect a grown adult journalist to be using more substantial references than a snake in arrested development who wishes to be seen as the popular girl in high school and whose "fan" base is comprised of children and pre-adolescents. Definitely lost your credibility.
edit 08/14/2024 @12:69 Also interesting to see them reference #taylorsnake in a piece endorsing a Democratic nominee when #taylorsnake knows nothing about politics or is even registered as Democrat, much less votes as one... if at all. 🤷
logged 08/12/2024 @00:18
Perverts have minions slam their doors after I post earlier entry about door slamming.
#NoiseCampaigns #Mimicry #DoublingDown
logged 08/11/2024 @20:39
Perverts disrupt my sleep by having minion slam their door repeatedly. Perverts know (from stalking me) that I went to sleep around 5am - 6am the night before and would only get about 4 hours of sleep before being woken up.
This is the perverts' way of retaliating at me for starting to outline and reveal their past acts of human rights violations and sexual harassment.
Also perverts' way of trying to get me to give them material on cue. I take melatonin and go back to sleep for another 5 hours.
Pretty sure that enduring years of perverts' sleep deprivation tactics has reduced my life span significantly and will have negative long-term effects on my health:
Cleveland Clinic, NIH
logged 08/10/2024 @19:19
I begin logging events events starting from 2014 that reveal swineda's and the perverts' human right's violations and sexual harassment. Perverts have one of their minions slam their door to try to punish/stop me.
logged 08/10/2024 @05:42 Relaunched swineda.com.