logged 02/19/2025 @22:41
N*rdstrom advert copying one of my recent purchases/in-home installations from January 18, 2025:
I'm flattered, N*rdstrom. Really, I am. But if you're going to copy me, please don't commit any illegal or perverted acts in the process, like violating my rights and privacy. Don't be a snake or a pig
logged 02/19/2025 @22:06
The perverts corrupting St💩rbucks by forcing an item called midn💩ght drink onto the menu:
This is after the perverts stalked me and saw me order regularly from this establishment for the past 4+ months:
gEt iT???? Because #night and because it's sUpPoSEd tO reFeREnCe oNE oF tHe sNaKe'S pLaGIaRisMS Of tHe sAMe nAMe.
The perverts used the same trick multiple times with the iPh💩ne when one of the colors of the phone had the same name circa 2020 around the time P💩kémon S💩n & M💩💩n and their sequel games the swine's sequel delusions released plagued our society, and again circa 2022 when the snake plagued society with another one of its plagiarism of the same name. Example of the perverts undermining our economy and conspiring to ensure the commercial successes of certain items through subversive, subliminal, and perverted means. And by certain items, I mean only items that reference their rape codes and delusions (... because apparently they can't achieve the same kind of "success" honestly and without corrupt means.)
Also apparent: this is what it takes to be the snake of the year... according to certain publications. Kids: make sure to behave as dishonestly as this snake, so that one day you can make a vanity project for yourself and payola your way onto the cover of a magazine! Aren't you proud of the society we live in today? 👏👏👏
Also note how the perverts are using their trick of trying to make something look popular, when it really isn't, in the hopes of tricking people into mindlessly jumping on a bandwagon that never actually existed